Product Summary

The NPI34W220MTRF is a NPI Power Inductor.


NPI34W220MTRF absolute maximum ratings: (1)Inductance Range: 1~1000μH; (2)Ambient Operating Temperature Range: -40 ~ +125℃; (3)Maximum Component Temperature (Ambient + Self-Heating): +140 +145℃; (4)Temperature Rise at Irms: 15℃ max; (5)Inductance Change at Isat: -10% typical; (6)Inductance Tolerance: 20% (M); (7)Resistance to Solder Heat: 260℃ for 10 seconds.


NPI34W220MTRF features: (1)high current, small size (up to 8.6 Amps); (2)surface mountable construction; (3)high inductance (up to 1000μH); (4)taped and reeled for automatic insertion; (5)for use in dc/dc converters.
